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Boxing and Kickboxing is IMPACT training.

The thing about boxing and kickboxing training is that we are continuously triggering our bodies to change. The impact of the punches and kicks on the heavy punch bags, hand mitts and shields, tells our brain that the body needs to get stronger. This is one of the most valuable aspects in terms of trying to get fitter, stronger and achieve a toned body. It’s a much speedier way than any other form of exercise. Running is great but it doesn’t build muscle quite like impact training. Impact training coupled with cardiovascular exercise will ensure that you are strengthen the body and bones and greatly improving your cardiovascular system. I believe CROSS FIT is also a good form of exercise as they have incorporated strength and cardiovascular training, so quite good, but it’s lacking the impact which boosts your growth hormone better than CROSS FIT. My exercise routine involves kickboxing and free weights one day and then skipping (also another form of IMPACT) and strength circuit and plymetrics (exercises involving jumping) the next. I train 5 to 6 days a week, plus all the exercise I get training others. Clients have reported seeing significant changes in their body and overall fitness as well as more energy in their daily life, in only 1 month of training at TRIBE. People who are training 3 times per week, show the best results. It’s also a fact that training once a week at the studio and following an outside or at home or gym routine, will also have a positive effect and will help you push through exercise plateaus that may occur in your other routine. So my message is, stay the course, make your training a priority. Consistency it the key, show up even if you don’t feel like it, because that’s when you need it the most. We mustn’t forget the other important effect from IMPACT is the incredible release of endorphins. The happy hormone kicks in during a session of IMPACT and you feel that effect, you feel a release like no other can match. Boxing and Kickboxing fights depression and gives you more confidence in your daily life. The end.

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